Here are brief details of our plans for 2025

Our first Concert will be at Hinckley URC on Friday 11th April

We will be performing a MASS written by our very own Alec McGregor
along with a selection of other seasonal choral works
by: Brahms, Grieg, Bruckner, Franck, Fauré, Rachmaninov & Humperdinck

The next 'outing' will be to St. Peter's Church Higham on the Hill at 7:30pm on Friday 16th May
When we'll be peforming 'Four Characters' - a work by one of our Basses
(One of the 'Characters' is from Higham-on-the-Hill)

Supporting works by Mozart, Fauré, Grieg etc.

Admission £5
Our 'Summer Concert' will be on Friday 27th June

at Hinckley URC, The Borough, Hinckley, LE10 1NL - 7:30pm

This will include Michael Dix's "Four Characters"
and Bob Chilcot's "Jazz Mass"
(further details to be confirmed)