Data Policy Statement
1 : Members' Personal Data

2 : Non-Members' Personal Details

3 : Other Personal Data

4 : Pandemic Rules
a: Hinckley Choral Union (hereafter referred to as HCU) will hold regularly updated lists of members which will include members' contact details - telephone numbers, postal and email address for the purpose of communicating choir related information such as rehearsal schedules, concert details, choir newsletters and notices for meetings and the Annual General Meeting

b: Such information will be held securely and by named individuals as agreed by the Trustees of HCU. It will not be passed on to any third party without explicit consent from the individual member.

c: Gift Aid declarations by members, currently in paper form, will be held securely by the Treasurer or other nominated Trustee.

d: Upon leaving HCU, a member's contact details will be permanently deleted from the membership list.

HCU will hold an additional list of non-members who would like to be informed of future concerts, workshops and other choir events and who have specifically consented to their contact details being held.
a: Such a list will be held in the same degree of security as the membership list and will not be passed on to any third party without the explicit consent of each individual concerned.
b: Any non-member who has consented to HCU holding their contact details for the purpose described above may, at any time, withdraw such consent by notifying HCU in writing or by e-mail.

HCU may from time to time make photographic or video recordings of events for display on its website or other publicity material. HCU will seek explicit consent from individuals in such recordings where such individuals can be clearly identified before such records are retained, whether displayed or not. For practical reasons, consent will not be sought from individuals in large group images such as full choir photographs where individual identity my not be clearly discerned, although there will be opportunity for any individual not wishing to take part in such to withdraw before the record is made.

In the event of a pandemic situation, HCU will abide by the latest Government advice relating to rehearsals and concerts.